Cantonese🎧Inclusive and Accessible Community Health with cohealth (多元化及無障礙的社區健康服務機構 – cohealth)

In this episode, our guest speaker, Margaret, introduces a non-profit community health organisation – cohealth. cohealth provides services to the communities in the city, western and northern part of Melbourne. In addition to a series of accessible services and facilities welcoming clients with disability, cohealth also offers a set of inclusive and professional health services and family support with adherence to clients' choice and needs. cohealth is committed to improve health and well being of for all and tackle inequality of people and the communities they live in.

The key message from Margaret is: Your right and choice play an important role in receiving health services. Trust yourself and voice out what you feel and need!

You can get more information about this community health organisation here: / tel: 94485528

今集請來的嘉賓 Margaret, 為我們介紹一間非牟利社區健康服務機構 – cohealth。cohealth 主要為墨爾本西區,市中心及其靠北附近地區市民提供一系列的專業醫療護理及家庭健康服務。除了一般的無障礙設施外,cohealth 以服務使用者的意願為基礎,提供合適的支援和服務,改善使用者的身心健康,及解決不平等問題。

Margaret 為我們帶出了重要訊息:在參與護理過程中,你們有絕對的選擇及自主的權利,以決定怎樣管理身心健康,及選擇適合的醫療及專業理團隊幫你達到你的目標。遇到有問題一定要出聲!


網站: / 電話:94485528

About the guest speaker

Margaret is a social worker working at cohealth. Margaret’s experience includes counselling, advocacy, and case management. She also focuses on the areas of aged care, dementia care, cultural support, parenting education, disability and mental health advocacy and support.

Margaret是一名註冊社工,在 cohealth 工作。 她的經驗包括輔導、倡議、個案管理等。她亦專於老年護理、失智症護理、文化支援、育兒教育以及支援殘疾和心理健康服務。 

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