Cantonese 🎧 Build up your Independence and Confidence – Living with a Seeing Eye Dog (Seeing Eye Dog 導盲犬 – 幫助你建立自信和獨立)

This episode is about how people with vision loss or low vision live with a Seeing Eye Dog. The speaker Florrie, from Vision Australia, shares information about adopting a Seeing Eye Dog, from training a puppy to a working dog, related legal issues, and supports from Vision Australia. Florrie also highlights how to live with a Seeing Eye Dog to build up independence and confidence in daily life and at work.  

If you are interested in applying for a Seeing Eye Dogs or becoming a carer for our puppies, you may access more information from 

If you need a telephone interpreter service, you can call TIS National at 131450.

這一集訪問中,Florrie 講解了有關領養Seeing Eye Dog 導盲犬的資訊, 例如,如何從小狗訓練成合格的工作犬, 有關法例保障及 Vision Australia 提供的支援。 Florrie 亦分享了導盲犬怎樣可以幫助視障人士在生活及工作上建立自信與獨立。

如果你有興趣申請領養 Seeing Eye Dogs 導盲犬或想成為幼犬的照顧者, 你可以瀏覽以下網址: 

如果你需要即時的電話傳譯服務,你可以致電 Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National:131450.

About guest speaker

Florrie Kung is the Service Support Officer at Vision Australia Seeing Eye Dogs. She comes from Hong Kong. She started as an administration volunteer in Seeing Eye Dogs. After 3 years of voluntary services, she joined the team in a full-time capacity to provide administrative support. At times, she helps to care for the dogs that are in training by providing a home during the dogs’ formal training period.

Florrie 來自香港,係Vision Australia Seeing Eye Dogs 的服務支援主任。她最初在Seeing Eye Dog任職行政義工。經過三年義工服務後就加入Vision Australia Seeing Eye Dog 團隊,負責支援各項行政工工作。間中,她會幫忙照顧受專業訓練的狗狗,並提供寄宿家庭服務。

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