Cantonese 🎧 Living Well With Permaculture (樸門農業,永續生存)
In this interview, our storyteller Lily shares how she has been inspired by ”Permaculture.”
Permaculture has not only transformed her garden, but also extended her connections with others. Most importantly, it has inspired her new outlook on life: to do something good for our planet and living in harmony with nature.
今集的嘉賓Lily,為我門分享了她的一個興趣 – 樸門農藝。
About the storyteller
Living with a hearing impairment, Lily has pursued excellence in her career and interests. She loves gardening, and is especially enthusiastic about ”Permaculture.” She has created innovative and sustainable ways of living by developing ecologically harmonious and effective systems in her garden, that extend into her life values.
Lily 積極工作和追求興趣, 與聽力障礙共存。她十分喜愛種植,更醉心鑽研樸門農藝(permaculture),希望透過自身實踐,與大自然合作,做到善用資源,永續農業。