Mandarin 🎧 Inclusive Services for the Chinese Community (专注华人社区的包容性服务)

In this episode, Rui and Jennifer the student social worker from the Chinese Welfare Services of SA will talk about the inclusive services provided for the Chinese community. Jennifer will share about activities they are running which are popular among Chinese community including Chinese Opera Class, line dance, talk centre, as well as the Culture Connection program focus on improving the disability awareness among Chinese community.

在这一期的访谈中,主持人芮将和南澳华人福利会的实习社工Jennifer一起聊一聊专注于华人社区的包容性服务。Jennifer 将会分享福利会所举办的特色中华文化活动比如粵曲班,广场舞,休闲坊;以及专注于提高华人社区对残障的正确认识的社区联络员项目。

Jennifer (Xiaozhen) Wang is a social work student currently doing her final placement at the Chinese Welfare Services of SA. Jennifer encourages people to participant in these inclusive services as it helps to share our culture, prevent social isolation and offer a good opportunity to make new friends.

If you are interested in any of the activities or services mentioned in this episode, please feel free to contact the Chinese Welfare Services of SA via telephone : (08) 8212 2988 or visiting the website at

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