Turkish ๐ŸŽง Limitations Live Only in our Minds (Engellilik Sadece bir Bakis Acisi)

My guest speaker provides information about how people with disabilities can use resources, networks, and skills available in the community in order to participate in life to the upmost. Sometimes, there is an assumption that people with disabilities are unable to learn new skills or โ€˜build capacityโ€™. But, as our guest speakerย Rifat explains, these limitations only exist in the mind of those who make up our society, and that perspectives that place limitations on people with disabilities can be shifted to make society more inclusive.ย Rifat highlights how people with disabilities can achieve many goals. He shares his knowledge of mainstream organisations that offer activities and programs that can help listeners build capacity and identify skills, networks and resources to help them live well. He talks about how we should focus on abilities instead of disability, and how people can accomplish many things with a little encouragement.

Konuk KonuลŸmacฤฑm, engelli kisilerin toplum icerisinde mevcut olan kaynaklari, kisi ve baglantilari nasil kullanabilecekleri ve hayata katilimlari ile ilgili cekinmeden nerelere ve kimlere nasil soru sorarak bilgi alabilecekleri konusunda bilgi veriyor.ย Toplumda bazen engelli insanlarฤฑn hayata katilimlari ile ilgili yeni beceriler veya bilgiler รถฤŸrenemedikleri varsayฤฑmฤฑ vardฤฑr. Iste tam da bu noktada Rifat tum engelli sฤฑnฤฑrlamalarinin sadece toplumda zihinlerde yaลŸฤฑyor diyor. Yani sadece bir bakis acisi oldugundan, engelliligin sozde getirdigi sinirlamalar aslinda sadece kafalardaki bir safsata diyor. Rifat, engelli insanlarฤฑn yeteneklerinden. disability yerine ability lere odaklanmamiz gerektiginden ve biraz teลŸvik ile birรงok ลŸeyi nasฤฑl baลŸarabileceฤŸinden bahsediyor.

About the guest speaker

Rifat is a Turkish Australian who was born in 1968. His family migrated to Australia in 1969, when he was just 5 months old. As a son of migrants, his family spent his early years working in any job they could find and at the same time learning English. After trying differentย careers, heย joined the Brotherhood of St Laurence as a local area coordinator assisting people with disability to make the best of their lives.ย He worked hard to link participants with mainstream and community services to bring inclusion and a sense of belonging to their communities. This was the start to a more fulfilled life. The community services that he worked with were the local councils who linked participants and their carers to inclusive activities and events.ย He is currently a business development manager with Complete Nursing and Home Care where he focuses on providing support workers for in home care and community access as well as registered nurses. They service the north and west of Melbourne and have an office in Bendigo, supporting people with a disability that live in the region.ย 

1968 doฤŸumlu Tรผrk Avustralyalฤฑ Rฤฑfat, ailesi ile 1969 yฤฑlฤฑnda henรผz 5 aylฤฑkken Avustralya'ya gรถรง etmiลŸ. Ailesiyle birlikte bir gรถรงmen oฤŸlu olarak, ilk yฤฑllarฤฑnฤฑ bulabildikleri herhangi bir iลŸte รงalฤฑลŸarak ve aynฤฑ zamanda ฤฐngilizce รถฤŸrenerek geรงirmisler. Farklฤฑ kariyer denemelerinden sonra, St Laurence Brotheroodda, engelli insanlarin hayata katilimlari ve erisimlerinde destek olmaya yardฤฑmcฤฑ olan yerel alan koordinatรถrรผ olarak calismaya baslamis. Engelliler ile calismak ona yasama gucu veriyordu.ย  ลžu andaย Complete Nursing and Home Care sirketindeย iลŸ geliลŸtirme mรผdรผrรผ olarak calismakta ve burada ihtiyaci olanlara evde bakฤฑm destek calisani ve hemsire saglamaya odaklanmaktadฤฑr.ย 

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