Bin Trim program
NSW businesses send nearly 2 million tonnes of waste to landfill each year. More than 70% of this waste could be reused or recycled. Reducing waste sent to landfill has environmental and economic benefits for everyone.
Bin Trim Program is the largest business recycling program of its type in Australia funded by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (NSW DPIE).
Bin Trim program has engaged with more than 29,000 businesses in NSW since its inception.
Bin Trim program has resulted in an average increase in the recycling rate of 15% for participating businesses and 49% of engaged businesses have reduced the amount of waste it sends to landfill.
The ECCNSW has been a grantee of all rounds of the Bin Trim Program (Round 1, 2 and 3) and has successfully completed the projects with significant results in waste diversion for ‘hard to reach’ ethnic small businesses in Sydney, Newcastle and Central Coast areas. This support was delivered in 9 different languages and enabled CALD small businesses to reap the benefit of knowing more about waste reduction.
Given the success of these 3 rounds, the ECCNSW has been successful in the funding tender for the Bin Trim Round 4 (2020-21).
ECCNSW will deliver the Bin Trim program in Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Tamil, Korean and Thai in round 4.
ECCNSW’s trained bilingual Bin Trim assessors can:
- Visit business sites to conduct free waste assessments and review waste management systems
- Calculate the components of waste
- Provide tailored action plan reports to reduce waste to landfill and potentially save on disposal costs
- Provide support and follow up advice and information to help the businesses implement recommended action plans
- Advise if businesses are eligible for rebates for recycling equipment
For more information or to arrange a free waste assessment please contact ECCNSW
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (02) 9319 0288
“Bin Trim program helped me increased recycling capacity, saving money, cleaning my back rubbish area. We signed up with ORG – Organic Recycling Group to recycle our food waste – 240L bin being collected twice a week. It increased our recycling capacity and reduced our general rubbish. With the council’s help I can use ORG service for 12 months. I believe it will reduce a lot of waste to landfill. I love to do something to protect our earth environment and our next generation.” – Matthew Li, Jin Wei Gu Food, Campsie