

Helpful Links

Below you will find some useful links to resources and services that support culturally diverse Australians in different aspects of their lives.


NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service

Find resources about many different health related topics in languages other than English, produced by the NSW Government.

The NSW Refugee Health Service (RHS)

This is a state-wide service, funded by the Ministry of Health. It provides a range of clinical services and medical assessments for recently arrived refugees and asylum seekers.

Transcultural Mental Health Centre and Helpline

The Transcultural Mental Health Centre (TMHC) works with health professionals and communities across New South Wales to support good mental health for people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

If you require information or support for a mental health concern, either for yourself or someone you care for, call the Transcultural Mental Health Line on 1800 648 911. The Line is open from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm.

Disability Support

Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW (MDAA)

MDAA is the peak body for all people in NSW with disability and their families and carers, with a particular focus on those from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background. MDAA holds workshops, training sessions and community events to promote inclusion, and also helps with individual advocacy and NDIS appeals.

ECCNSW is proud to have a strong working relationship with MDAA.

Diversity and Disability Alliance (D+DA)

D+DA is a user-led disability support organisation, run by and for people with disability from diverse backgrounds with the support of families and allies. They offer a number of peer support services in-language.

Learning Languages

The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)

This program helps eligible newcomers to Australia learn or improve their English. It is free and available at TAFE NSW campuses. You not only learn English speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, but also learn about Australian society, culture, customs, and employment.

Community Language Schools

NSW Community Languages Schools provide classes in more than 60 different languages.

Settlement Support

Settlement Services International (SSI)

SSI delivers a range of services that connect individuals, families and children from diverse backgrounds with opportunities โ€“ from settlement support, community engagement, training and employment pathways.

Asylum Seeker Centre

The Asylum Seekers Centre provides support for refugees and people seeking asylum with accessing health services, food, finding employment, schools and more.


STARTTS is a specialist, not-for-profit organisation that provides culturally relevant psychological treatment and support to help people heal the scars of refugee trauma and rebuild their lives in Australia.

Frequently Asked Questions

What anti-discrimination legislation exists in Australia?2024-11-25T13:25:58+11:00

There are many legislative acts which seek to protect those in Australia from discrimination. On a Federal level, the Racial Discrimination Act, Sex Discrimination Act and Disability Discrimination Act exist, among others.

On a State level there also exists the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act. If you feel youโ€™ve been discriminated against, you can contact Anti-Discrimination New South Wales for free advice and to make a complaint.


Who handles immigration and citizenship in Australia?2024-11-25T13:25:58+11:00

The Department of Home Affairs, which is a Federal Department, is responsible for the management of immigration in Australia, including border control and decisions regarding visas and permanent residency.

The Departmentโ€™s decisions can be appealed to the Courts. Those who need advice are able to seek the advice of a registered Migration Agent. It is important to ensure that when you are receiving advice on migration matters that it is from a registered Migration Agent. Not all lawyers are registered Migration Agents, and you do not have to be a lawyer to be a Migration Agent.

How do I become an Australian citizen?2024-11-25T13:25:59+11:00

Becoming an Australian citizen is a process. In order to be eligible to apply you must meet a number of requirements. To find out further information you need to visit the Department of Home Affairs website.

Is ECCNSW a Government body, or can ECCNSW handle complaints of discrimination?2024-11-25T13:25:59+11:00

The ECCNSW is not a Government body. We are a state wide peak body and act as independent advocates for New South Walesโ€™ diverse communities .

It is our role to advocate the concerns of and matters affecting cultural communities in NSW to Government and relevant bodies and individuals. While we encourage persons to come forward if they believe they have been discriminated against, we advise that they seek recourse from the above anti-discrimination bodies and source legal advice if necessary.

I need legal support, where can I go?2024-11-25T13:25:59+11:00

There are numerous organisations including Legal Aid NSW, the Redfern Legal Centre and the Kensington Legal Centre who provide means-tested, free legal advice. These organisations and others regularly provide support to members of diverse communities through interpreters and translators.

Who is Multicultural NSW?2024-11-25T13:25:59+11:00

Multicultural NSW is a state government agency arm of the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

It aims to build and maintain a cohesive and harmonious society that enriches the lives of people in NSW by collaborating with peak bodies (such as ECCNSW), NGOโ€™s, and CALD community organisations.

How can I access an interpreter service?2024-11-25T13:25:59+11:00

Interpreter services are valuable in continuing a conversation where there is no communication due to a language barrier. These can take place in person, over the phone, or via video phone.

Some Interpreting government services may be free while other may have a fee. Examples of interpreting services include Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS), Multicultural NSW Language Services, and the Department of Home Affairs Language services.


The SBS Australian Census Explorer

The Census Explorer is an interactive tool with data taken from Australiaโ€™s 2021 Census and released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 2022.

ID Support NSW

Find advice and support about stolen IDs, data breaches, scams and cybersecurity.