The Australian Government is inviting applications through a demand driven process to deliver services under the Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Program – Community Language Schools Grants Program from 2023–24 to 2024–25.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • support a prosperous and inclusive society, and advance Australia’s economic interests through effective management of the visa, multicultural and citizenship programs and provision of refugee and humanitarian assistance
  • support a prosperous and inclusive society through the promotion, delivery and effective management of the Australian multicultural and citizenship programs.

The program will strengthen the cohesion and prosperity of Australia’s successful multicultural society by supporting more young Australians to acquire a second language to:

  • connect them to the languages of their parents, grandparents and broader communities
  • enable their participation in a broader range of jobs in an economy closely integrated into a global market of diverse trading partners.

The program will enable Community Language Schools (CLS) to expand the delivery of language to more school-aged children, including pre-schoolers.

The grant opportunity consists of 3 tiers and 2 supplementary payment options for eligible CLS to apply.

A total of $15 million over 2 years was announced for the Community Language Schools Grants funding. A maximum grant amount of up to $30,000 is available depending on the tier and supplementation.

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