Home Water action project
Since 2006 the NSW Office of Water and the Ethnic Communities’ Council of NSW have worked together to deliver the message of water efficiency to CALD communities and to provide equity of access to existing rebate and support schemes.
As part of this process bi-lingual educators were employed to deliver workshops, attend community festivals, engage community media and generally educate their communities about water saving actions in the home. Together the twenty educators delivered services in eight of the most common languages spoken by NSW residents.
One of the major successes of the project has been the ability to draw participants from previously difficult to reach community sectors and recognition of the value of existing community networks in bringing key conservation messages into the community.
Key Outcomes
This project has saved over 46 million litres of water.
Home Water Action Workshops
• A series of water education workshops were developed which targeted CALD residential communities across Sydney.
• Bilingual educators received extensive training in the area of water conservation and implementing the NSW Metropolitan water plan.
• Over 55 workshops were delivered to over 700 participants.
• A Home Water Action Educator Kit was created which focused on home water action planning and ways to conserve water within the home.
• DIY faucet and showerhead retrofit kits, sink strainers and shower timers were distributed at these workshops, courtesy of Sydney Water, to facilitate discussion about their usefulness and application as tools for water saving.
Water Ambassador Program
• The Water Ambassador program has extended the influence of key water conservation messages to over 3000 people.
• Over 45 Water Ambassadors have delivered information sessions to wider audiences to encourage water savings within their communities.
• A Water Ambassador manual was designed to provide motivated residents with information and the resources necessary to educate their neighbours about water management.
• The manual includes a general background, tips to saving water and a guide to normalize sustainable behaviour. It is available in English, Arabic, Chinese and Vietnamese.