Somali ๐ŸŽง Upskilling with Accessible Sewing Classes (Barashada xirfad harqaan tolid oo cid walba u fruan)

This program provides free sewing classes for all community members. It is a non-disability specific program that aims to build new employability skills to help ...

Somali ๐ŸŽง Various Enjoyable Activities for the Community at AMSSA Centre (Adeegyo kala duwan oo ay ka faaโ€™idayaan bulshada (AMSSA Centre))

Australian Muslim Social Service Agency (AMSSA)ย provides various enjoyable activities such as community gatherings to offer congregational prayer, religious classes, and other activities. The centre is ...

Somali ๐ŸŽง Community Market for Social Cohesion (Twilight Market) (Suuq loogu talagalay is dhexgalka bulshada (Twilight Market))

Twilight market offers opportunities for the broader communities to interact within the housing estate and builds social cohesion. It provides Richmond and Collinwood residents to ...

Somali ๐ŸŽง Sports and Physical Activities to Improve your Wellbeing (Isboortiska iyo dhaqdhaqaaqa jir ahaaneed si loo hormariyo fayuubiyda qofka)

Xaruntaย AMSSAย waxay bixisaa ciyaaro kala duwan oo qof walba ka faaโ€™idaysan karo sida taniska miiska lagu ciyaaro, bilyaardooga iyo banooniga lagu ciyaaro xarunta dhexdeeda taasoo usuurto ...

Somali ๐ŸŽง Ready, Set, Swim: Accessible and Inclusive Swimming Program (Barnaamijka dabaasha oo qof walba ka qeyb qaadan karo)

This program provides swimming activities for community members. While it is a non-disability specific program, it is open and inclusive to all community members. It ...

Somali ๐ŸŽง Overcoming Anxiety Through Community Connections (Qaabka xiriirka bulshdaa uu kaaga gudbin karo walwalka)

Safiyo struggled with her mental health following her leg amputation. She overcame the challenges of her anxiety and depression when she began attending religious classes ...