Cantonese 🎧 Inclusive Social Activities Within the Community! (不要錯過社區內富包容性的社交活動哦!)

In this interview, guest speaker Chelsea from Oriental Care highlights disability accessible venues and activities that promote social inclusion. Oriental Care organises gatherings at a yumcha restaurant, seasonal day trips, birthday celebrations and participation in traditional festivals so people can make and maintain friendships. People with disabilities also get to learn new skills through activities like community English classes, and workshops teaching interests like calligraphy or social dancing. This interview shares examples of inclusive activities and events that support inclusion and community participation in a culturally relevant way. 

在這次採訪中,來自 Oriental Care (東方關愛)的特邀嘉賓 Chelsea 详细介绍了歡迎殘障人士參與的活動及無障礙活動空間。東方關愛除了在飲茶餐廳安排每週一次的社交聚會,還組織駕車一日遊、生日慶祝和傳統節日慶祝等活動,以便人們建立友誼並找到歸屬感。殘障人士還可以通過社區英語課程、書法興趣班、社交舞蹈等興趣工作坊來學習新技能。


Chelsea Chen is the event manager from Oriental Care. She has extensive experience in organising social events for the Chinese-speaking community in Brisbane for Oriental Care. She will share valuable information from event types available to clients' favourite part of the events.


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