Cantonese 🎧 Stay Socially Connected – The Key to Happiness (與人聯繫 – 快樂的鑰匙)

In this episode, Tony shares with us how he finds happiness by connecting with ”Telelink” (Vision Australia).  In this social group, Tony can chat with other vision impaired persons in Australia using his mother language – Cantonese.  He enjoys sharing his interests with others, and he also gains support from this social group. Building friendships and social connection is so important to him, and also a golden key to his happiness. Tony encourages people with vision impairment to stay socially connected and search out happiness from there. 

在這集中,Charmaine 請來了TONY,分享他如何透過參加 Vision Australia 舉辦的Telelink 的電話平台,令他可以和澳洲各地的廣東話視障朋友保持溝通聯繫,大家不但可以用自己的母語 – 廣東話來傾談,分享各自的喜好,也可以互相支持,令他感到開心鼓舞。TONY 勉勵有視力障礙的朋友,要多些走出來與人保持聯繫,尋找自己的快樂!

About the storyteller

Tony is visually impaired and has been seeking ways to live well with his condition. Tony has expanded his social circles further by connecting with the community and other people, adding more zest and joy to his life.

Tony 有視力障礙,但他一直努力尋找方法令生活過得更好。Tony 透過走出社區,與人聯繫,令他的生活注入更多色彩,進一步開拓人生。

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