Mandarin 🎧 Have Your Say with Advocacy Tasmania (需要“Your Say Advocacy Tasmania”的帮助吗?))
Your Say Advocacy provides advocacy services for free to people with physical or intellectual disabilities. Their activities and programs can make sure that other people and service providers respect your rights.
To learn more, visit
Your Say Advocacy为身体或智力残障人士免费提供辩护服务。他们 的活动和项目可以确保其他人和服务提供商尊重您的权利。 要了解 更多,请访问
Felicia is a team member of Your Say Advocacy Tasmania. Her team members are helping older people, people with a disability and people with mental health issues to speak up for themselves. You can contact Your Say Advocacy on 1800 005 131 between 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday or email [email protected].