ECCNSW was part of the 2023 Wellness and Reablement Best Practice Expo, through its Inner West Sector Support Development and Training Programme.

The expo was  organized by Canterbury Bankstown Council in partnership with Canterbury League Club, The Multicultural Network, CASS Care, The Australian Nursing Home Foundation, and Sydney Community Forum.

The focus of the event was to promote Wellness and Reablement best practices to residents of Canterbury Bankstown who were aged 60 years and above.

Recognizing the importance of empowering seniors and enhancing their overall well-being, the expo aimed to provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the resources available to support and improve their lives.

Through a wide array of information stalls, engaging activities, active exercise programs, live demonstrations, and diverse learning opportunities, seniors were equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to rebuild their capacity and embrace a better quality of life.

During the expo, attendees had the chance to explore various services, gather valuable insights, and engage with us to get the specific needs and interests of the elderly community and in languages.

This holistic approach fostered a sense of empowerment and ensured that seniors were well-informed about the multitude of options at their disposal, enabling them to make informed decisions that contributed to their overall well-being and happiness.