Proof of vaccination is now available through the Service NSW app and can be shown as part of a COVID Safe Check-in. Visit for details and instructions on adding a COVID-19 digital certificate to the app.

There are other ways you can show proof of vaccination or medical exemption including:

  • COVID-19 digital certificate: accessed through the Express Plus Medicare mobile app or Medicare online account through myGov. The COVID-19 digital certificate can be added to a digital wallet, printed or saved offline to a device
  • Immunisation history statement: accessed through My Health Record, myGov or the Express Plus Medicare app and shared on a smartphone or printed
  • Medical exemption form: COVID-19 digital certificate for medical contraindication (which can be added to the Service NSW app from 17 October), a NSW Health medical contraindication form completed by a registered medical practitioner or a medical clearance notice issued by NSW Health.

Here is a video showing how you can access your proof of vaccination via the Service NSW app. This video is available in 7 languages for CALD communities:

In addition to the video there is a flyer and poster which can be shared with CALD communities, which is available in 11 languages hereVisit to learn more about the options to access and share proof of COVID-19 vaccination.