Entries open 9.00am Saturday 9 April 2022
Entries close 6.00pm Saturday 21 May 2022

The NSW Dept of Communities and Justice and the Fellowship of Australian Writers NSW Inc (FAW) are again conducting a Short Story Competition. The Top 100 stories will be published in Seniors Stories Vol. 8 and launched in November 2022 – these stories showing senior years are worth sharing. Tap into your memories, ask family/friends for their anecdotes, or maybe you are witness to others who love living every day to its fullest — and create a short story for others to enjoy.


  1. The competition is open to all New South Wales Seniors cardholders.
  2. Seniors Card Membership Number must be included on the entry form.
  3. Seniors Card Membership, competition entry and Workshops are FREE.
  4. The theme for this year is: ‘Celebrating Diversity.
  5. Story length max. 1,000 words (Poetry not accepted). Excess word count will be immediately disqualified (the story title is exempt from the word count).
  6. Multiple entries may be submitted but only one will be published. No entries will be accepted outside the stated competition dates and times; the link to submit your entry closing promptly 6pm, 21st May, 2022.
  7. The top 100 entries will be published in the Seniors Card anthology to be released in November 2022.
  8. The judge’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
  9. Entries to be submitted online via the interactive Entry Form found on the FAW NSW website www.fawnsw.org.au available from 9.00am Saturday 9 April. Your story can be submitted along with the Entry Form.
  10. Due to the requirement of the printer, entries to be in digital form. (Help for non-computer users available on 0417 403 720 – leave your name and contact number).
  11. Entries must be a Word document, not a PDF or Jpeg. Please Note: Filename for your attached document should match the Story Title.
  12. Entries sent in a format other than Word cannot be accepted.
  13. Entries should be typed in 12pt font, double spaced.

Queries please contact: Maureen Kelly OAM 0417 403 720 or email [email protected].


These workshops are for seniors new to writing who would like to participate in the competition. Attendance is FREE.

WORKSHOP BOOKINGS: Maureen Kelly OAM 0417 403 720

For more information please click here: https://fawnsw.org.au/seniors-card-short-story-competition-2022/