Time is running out to apply for your director identification number (director ID).

All directors of a company in Australia are required to apply for a director ID before 30 November 2022. A director ID is a unique identifier that directors apply for once and keep forever.

It is free to apply for a director ID. You must apply for your own director ID to verify your identity. No one can apply on your behalf.

Find out more on the ABRS website, including a step-by-step video on how to apply:

Do you need a director ID?

You need to apply for a director ID if you are a director of a:

  • company or corporation
  • corporate trustee (for example, of a self-managed super fun)
  • charity or not-for-profit organisation that is a company or corporation
  • foreign company registered with ASIC and carrying on business in Australia (regardless of the director’s place of residence).