NSW hits 80% double dose vaccinations

Following NSW’s rapid rate of second dose vaccinations, new rules have come into effect for fully vaccinated people in the state, including:

  • Household visits – If all members of the household are aged 16 years and over are fully vaccinated, you can have up to 20 fully vaccinated visitors to your place of residence.
  • Outdoor gatherings – Small outdoor gatherings and recreation is permitted for up to 50 people (2-person limit for people not fully vaccinated).
  • Weddings – Ceremonies are permitted with no person limit (5-person limit for people who are not fully vaccinated) but density limit still applies. Wedding receptions are permitted with no person limits (not permitted for people who are not fully vaccinated), eating and drinking while standing, and dancing is permitted and a density limit still apply. 
  • Funerals – Permitted with no person limit (10-person limit for people who are not fully vaccinated) and eating and drinking allowed while standing, density limits still apply.
  • Places of worship – Can reopen for people who are not fully vaccinated with density limits.
  • Sport and exercise – If you are fully vaccinated you can participate in an outdoor sport and exercised gathering of 40 people. Gyms, indoor recreation and sporting facilities can open with density limits of 1 person per 4 square metres and up to 20 people in gym and dance classes.

For more information and for translated summaries of the roadmap, see here.  

Linking COVID-19 vaccination through the Service NSW app
Members of the public can now link their COVID-19 digital certificate to the Service NSW app. To do this:

  • Ensure you have a MyServiceNSW Account and the latest version of the Service NSW app. Please also ensure Medicare is linked to your myGov account. 
  • Share your COVID-19 digital certificate with the Service NSW app via your Medicare online account through myGov, the Express Plus Medicare mobile app or the Individual Healthcare Identifiers service (if you’re not eligible for Medicare). 
  • Log in to the Service NSW app on your device and follow the prompts to add your COVID-19 digital certificate to your profile. 

For more information, see this short step by step video. More detailed instructions can be found here

Guidance for businesses 
As we work together to keep the community safe from COVID-19, there are key considerations businesses need to have around vaccination of its staff and customers. Translated resources about keeping your business and employees COVID safe are available here.

COVID-Safe resources toolkit 
Toolkits with resources promoting COVID safe behaviours are now available. These toolkits include a selection of artwork that can be printed professionally, or with an office colour printer. By printing and displaying these posters, signs and stickers, you will be helping to protect our community.

A selection of resources have been translated and are available here.

Get vaccinated
If you have not booked in for a COVID-19 vaccine please book as soon as possible to protect yourself, your family, and your friends.

To book a vaccination appointment visit www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19

For more information
Updated information and translated resources and materials about COVID-19 are available at www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19

Call 13 77 88, available 24/7, for COVID-19 related questions.

To speak to an interpreter in your language call 13 14 50