The cancellation of Novak Djokavic’s visa has given renewed attention to the “god-like powers” of the Immigration Minister, and the refugees still being detailed in Melbourne’s Park Hotel.

There are still 60 Medevac refugees in detention across the country, including those in the hotel, almost nine years after they were first sent to offshore detention. Another 200 are still languishing in PNG or Nauru.

Another 30,000 are living in the community on temporary visas, including those recognised as refugees on Temporary Protection Visas or SHEVs. They all face the prospect of being forced to return home to danger, and they are unable to bring family members to join them, even for those found to be refugees.

The Murugappan family, too, are still unable to return to Biloela and have no certainty about their future.

Join the rally to demand freedom for those in detention, an end to offshore processing, and permanent visas and family reunion for all refugees.

The protest will be part of a global day of action against racism and for refugees—to mark the UN day for the elimination of racial discrimination.