Indian Crescent Society of Australia (ICSOA) is inviting you
for their annual interfaith event

“Social Harmony and Human Rights in Interfaith during the Covid”

This event is sponsored by
Hon Jihad Dib and co-sponsor by Hon Geoff Lee & Hon David Shoebridge


Hon Mr Manpreet Vohra-High Commissioner of India

Hon Chin Tan-Race Discrimination Commissioner of Australia

Hon Jihad Dib

Hon Geoff Lee

Hon David Shoebridge

Religious Speakers

Pandit Jatin Kumar Bhatt

Rabai Zalman Kastel

Fr Patrick J McInerney

Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

Due to the COVID restrictions, now the event is held as a ZOOM event.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 844 6524 7610

Passcode: 123

Date: Wednesday 17th November 2021

Time: 3 PM for a start at 3.30 PM

Dress: Modest Business Attire or multicultural national dress

Please RSVP at [email protected]