Monash University in partnership with Harmony Alliance: Migrant and Refugee Women for Change, are working on the first national study to capture migrant and refugee women’s experiences of sexual harassment in the workplace.

It will undertake a national study to investigate migrant and refugee women’s understanding of, experiences and responses to sexual harassment.

It builds on the knowledge that migrant and refugee women are more likely to be in precarious employment (i.e. non-permanent, casualised or contract labour) and that factors such as limited English proficiency, non-permanent visa status, race-based bias and discrimination, and disparate cultural expectations can contribute to the likelihood of experiencing work-based sexual harassment.

The project aims to:

  • Build a detailed national picture of the experiences of a diverse group of migrant and refugee women with the view of informing more targeted engagement with women and workplaces regarding unacceptable workplace behaviour.
  • Document the views and responses of different groups of migrant and refugee women to work-based sexual harassment, to identify strengths and weaknesses in current responses, training and education needs, and service gaps.
  • Lay the groundwork for developing more informed and responsive systems that are attuned to the social and systemic factors that influence how women negotiate and respond to experiences of sexual harassment as bystanders and/or targets.

Share your experiences at work as a migrant or refugee woman living in Australia. Please complete this short anonymous survey here:

The survey is open to anyone living in Australia over the age of 18 years old who identifies as a woman from migrant or refugee background. It is available in six languages (Arabic, Farsi, Swahili, Dari, Simplified Chinese and English) and should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. All responses are confidential. We are pleased to offer all who complete the survey, the chance of winning one of 20 Coles-Myer vouchers to the value of $100.