The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is an independent statutory authority that works to make all Australian energy consumers better off, now and in the future.

In the face of the increasing cost of living (including rising energy prices), the AER has recently developed a range of shareable content to help consumers learn more about:

  • how to save money on energy bills,
  • how to get help if they’re having trouble paying their energy bills or have a problem with their energy company, and
  • what happens when an energy company goes out of business (a Retailer of Last Resort event).

Content is available in 8 languages (English, Arabic, Burmese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Nepali, Tagalog and Vietnamese) and includes social media post text and images, as well as a fact sheet for consumers that includes frequently asked questions and answers about Retailer of Last Resort events.

The new suite of translated, shareable content can be found on the AER website here –

To help get these messages out to those who need them most, the AER is encouraging organisations to download and share the materials across their social media and communication channels.

Opportunity to order hard copy flyers

Translated, hard copy flyers that explain what consumers can do if they are having trouble paying their electricity or gas bills are also available to order. If your organisation is interested in distributing these hard copy flyers to the community, please email the AER at [email protected] with the below information and the AER will organise for them to be sent out to you:

Flyer order information 

Flyer Type Quantity required
Hardship flyer – English
Hardship flyer – Arabic
Hardship flyer – Traditional Chinese
Hardship flyer – Simplified Chinese
Hardship flyer – Nepali
Hardship flyer – Vietnamese


Delivery details:

Contact name:
Delivery address:
Contact email:
Contact phone number:

The flyers can also be downloaded at the bottom of this page