This month, Mary Karras ECCNSW CEO and senior staff Marina Antonas as well as Manager Jenny Bray, were invited to tour the services of our valued ECCNSW Member Organisation, the Chinese Australian Services Society, CASS.

Our staff were impressed by the range and quality of the services delivered by CASS. These include, early childhood learning services, general information and referral, settlement and health information services, seniors groups, community and home based aged services, and residential based aged care. Services are provided in Chinese languages, Korean, Vietnamese and Indonesian.

The staff from CASS shared information about the issues, aspirations and concerns of the communities serviced by CASS. Visits like this are much valued by ECCNSW as it ensures we stay up to date with the needs and issues of our Member Organisations, which in turn enables ECCNSW to target networking opportunities to those Members, and to advocate for communities as we engage with policy issues at local, state and federal levels.