This update is provided by the NSW Government – Multicultural NSW

Restrictions ease in LGAs of concern
From Monday 20 September, the following restrictions apply to those who live in LGAs of concern:

  • No limit on the duration of outdoor exercise (previously a two- hour limit);
  • Outdoor gatherings of up to five fully vaccinated people (not including children aged 12 and under) will be allowed in a person’s LGA or within 5km of home (previously only fully vaccinated household members could gather outdoors, or two fully vaccinated people from different households);
  • Shopping, exercise, and outdoor recreation can be done 5km from home or within your LGA;
  • Attend a small wedding (max. 11 people) in Greater Sydney as a guest (previously only allowed in their LGA); and
  • A person’s single’s bubble buddy can live in Greater Sydney (previously must have resided within 5km of a person’s home). A person from an LGA of concern can now be a buddy for someone in Greater Sydney.

Nearly all restrictions in the LGAs of concern are now aligned with other lockdown areas, with the main differences being authorised worker conditions and travel permit requirements which remain in place in the LGAs of concern.


‘Friends Bubble’ created for children now on school holidays
From Tuesday 21 September, children and teenagers aged 18 years and under who live in stay-at-home areas and areas of concern across NSW can create a ‘friends bubble’ of three friends who are able to visit each other’s homes for play and activity, subject to the following conditions: 

  • Each child is allowed to have two designated friends come to their house. These two friends must always be the same, creating a three-person “friends bubble”;
  • All people older than 18 years in all the households must be fully vaccinated;
  • The friends must reside within 5km of each other or in the same LGA; and
  • Parents/carers that are dropping off children must not stay to interact with others.

Outdoor pools across NSW will open

From 12.01am Monday 27 September, outdoor pools across NSW will be able to open, provided councils have a stringent COVID safety plan approved by NSW Health. Natural pools are already permitted to be open.


Travel registration with in-language instructions

 If you live in Greater Sydney, you may need to register when travelling outside of Greater Sydney. Below are some useful links about how to register for travel, including a range of in-language instructions:


Register to travel information 

How to register for COVID-19 travel

Regional NSW Travel.Korean

Regional NSW Travel.Arabic

Regional NSW Travel.Vietnamese

Regional NSW Travel.Simplified Chinese

Regional NSW Travel.Spanish

Regional NSW Travel.Thai


Get vaccinated

If you have not booked in for a COVID-19 vaccine please book as soon as possible to protect yourself, your family, and your friends. 

To book a vaccination appointment visit


For more information
Updated information and translated resources and materials about COVID-19 are available at 

Call 13 77 88, available 24/7, for COVID-19 related questions.
To speak to an interpreter in your language call 13 14 50.