Refugee Week (Sunday 18 June 2023 – Saturday 24 June 2023) is a unique opportunity for us all to experience and celebrate the rich diversity of refugee communities through theatre, music, dance, film and other events which take place all over Australia and highlight the aims of the Week.

The theme for 2023-2025 is ‘Finding Freedom’.

Refugee Week is an umbrella participatory festival which allows a wide range of refugee community organisations, voluntary and statutory organisations, local councils, schools, student groups and faith-based organisations to host events during the week.

Events include football tournaments, public talks, exhibitions, music and dance festivals, theatre projects and film screenings. Everyone is welcome to participate in promoting the aims of Refugee Week – the more the merrier. Please register for events here.

Refugee Week aims to provide an important opportunity for asylum seekers and refugees to be seen, listened to and valued.