Image: Bureau of Meteorology, Facebook.

Disaster recovery assistance has been extended to a further 18 local government areas following the severe storms and floods in New South Wales.

Assistance available under the DRFA may include:

• help for eligible people whose homes or belongings have been damaged
• support for affected local councils to help with the costs of cleaning up and restoring damaged essential public assets
• concessional interest rate loans for small businesses, primary producers and non-profit organisations
• freight subsidies for primary producers, and
• grants to eligible non-profit organisations.

For information on personal hardship and distress assistance, contact Service NSW on 13 77 88. To apply for a concessional loan or grant, contact the NSW Rural Assistance Authority on 1800 678 593 or visit

Further information on disaster assistance is available on the Australian Government’s Disaster Assist website at and Service NSW at

For more information about the Government’s announcement, click HERE