“Just B Kind”: Ten exciting stories captured on multicultural films and podcasts celebrate strong and resilient communities living with a disability.

The podcast series is explained by each person as they share their story of acquiring a disability, living with a disability and learning about themselves. The series concentrates on the unique learnings of each individual, their experience in the community with strangers and people who have both been kind and unkind to them and reveals a deeper understanding of people living with a disability than has been explored in the past.

The podcasts are produced in the following languages or by people from the following cultural backgrounds: English, Arabic, Farsi, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Punjabi, Serbian, Spanish and Tongan.

The “Just B Kind” social media campaign is part of the Our Journeys program. The podcast series generated by Ethnic Communities Council of NSW is a ‘timely’ campaign says producer Sandra Pires of Why Documentaries. “There is angst and anxiety across the community and remembering to be kind is something we can all do and we could all benefit from”.

Terrie Leoleos NSW State Wide Multicultural Access Officer stated that the Ethnic Communities Council NSW was inspired to want to share stories of resilience, positivity and deeper meaning with the new in language 15 min x 10 podcast series “Our Journeys” which looks at the lives of people living with a disability.

“Living with a disability is so much more than what people in general, think. People with a disability have to overcome so much that they pull strength in ways most people cannot fathom, and they can really teach all of us about what they have learnt.”

The podcast series is explained by each person as they share their story of acquiring a disability, living with a disability and learning about themselves. The series concentrates on the unique learnings of each individual, their experience in the community with strangers and people who have both been kind and unkind to them and reveals a deeper understanding of people living with a disability than has been explored in the past.

ECCNSW CEO Mary Karras is proud of the project and what it represents. “These are insightful podcasts which delve into the deeper thoughts and feelings of people with a disability and provide positive messages about living with a disability. Their stories help us to learn from them and understand their unique experiences.

Nidhi Shekaran who was interviewed for the project says “I’m glad that I have a disability. I have more empathy, which I wouldn’t have if I didn’t have a disability”.

The podcast series was launched through the website www.ourjourneys.com.au, facebook, twitter and instagram with Kindness being the central theme. Ten new films will launch in Multicultural March 2022.

These stories are a part of the “Just B Kind” campaign developed by the Our Journeys program. Our Journeys is auspiced by the Ethnic Communities Council of NSW and funded by the Department of Social Services through the Stronger Resilient Communities Grants. This funding aims to celebrate strong and resilient communities living with a disability.

Spotify: https://spoti.fi/337lsxm

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Our-Journeys-109644281553324

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/speakmylanguagedisability/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SMLdisability

Web: https://eccnsw.org.au/our-journeys/

For more information please contact Terrie Leoleos

[email protected] Ethnic Communities’ Council of NSW
Tel: (02) 9319 0288    Mob: 0427 301 682