Law professors at UNSW and UTS who co-direct the Migrant Justice Institute, have launched an important national survey to improve working conditions for migrants and international students in Australia, and prevent modern slavery.

The survey also provides migrants with important information about their rights at work and referrals to support services.

The survey is directed to anyone 18+ who has worked in Australia on a temporary visa.

Previous surveys led to new world-first visa protections for exploited migrants who take action to enforce their rights at work, and new migrant legal services. This survey’s findings will drive the next 5 years of change.

The online survey is anonymous, takes 10-15 minutes, and is available in Mandarin, Nepali, Spanish, Arabic and Tamil. The survey closes 31 August.

Complete the survey HERE

There’s $10,000 in prizes (fifty $200 gift cards)

Source: Migrant Justice Institute