Apply for your director ID before 30 November

Apply for your director ID before 30 November

Time is running out to apply for your director identification number (director ID). All directors of a company in Australia are required to apply for a director ID before 30 November 2022. A director ID is a unique identifier that directors apply for once and keep...
Visit to CASS Services

Visit to CASS Services

This month, Mary Karras ECCNSW CEO and senior staff Marina Antonas as well as Manager Jenny Bray, were invited to tour the services of our valued ECCNSW Member Organisation, the Chinese Australian Services Society, CASS. Our staff were impressed by the range and...


Notice to all our members. The 2022 Annual General Meeting  will be held on Sunday 23rd October at 3pm at the Ethnic Communities’ Council NSW office, 221 Cope St Waterloo. This will be a face-to-face meeting and we look forward to seeing our members on the day. ...