CENSUS Information in Languages

CENSUS Information in Languages

Over 8.7 million Census forms have been submitted to date. This is a very positive result, and we are now encouraging those who have not completed to do so as soon as possible. How you can assist Some people will need assistance to complete the Census. This is...

Latest COVID-19 Translated Materials

Test and Isolate A COVID-19 Test and Isolate support payment of $320 is available to support eligible workers who are required to self-isolate and unable to work while waiting for a COVID-19 test result. Currently, to be eligible for this payment, workers must be...

CALD COVID-19 Update | Information for the community

NSW Health has announced changes to requirements for vaccination of authorised workers who live in local government areas (LGAs) of concern and need to travel outside of these for work: authorised workers must now have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine...