Multicultural Perspectives on Climate Change

Multicultural Perspectives on Climate Change

The Multicultural Leadership Initiative (MLI) wants to hear about what you think of climate change, even if you don’t believe climate change is real. It’s totally  anonymous, so you can be truthful without being judged. There are no right or wrong answers,...
Storm, flood and preparedness update

Storm, flood and preparedness update

NSW Government have prepared an updated communication toolkit to help you share important information with your networks and communities impacted by severe storms and floods. The toolkit contains the latest floods information and shareable resources including:...
Do you know what you are vaping?

Do you know what you are vaping?

We are seeing an increase in the number of young people trying vaping. NSW Health has developed a Multilingual Vaping Toolkit to increase young people’s awareness of the dangers of e-cigarettes use. The resources educate young people and parents that vaping is not...